August 14, 2022

What Can I Learn From Connected Vehicle (CV) Data

According to a recent McKinsey study, 95 percent of new vehicles sold globally by 2030 will be connected vehicles, up from 50 percent today. These vehicles generate massive amounts of connected vehicle data, which contains actionable insights for mobility companies and smart city authorities to better understand their operations, act on opportunities, and improve sustainability, safety, and efficiency.

What Exactly Is Connected Vehicle Data?

Before we define connected vehicle data, we must first define what a connected vehicle is.

A connected vehicle is an Internet of Things (IoT) vehicle with built-in sensors that can talk to other systems and give information about how it works and what's going on in the outside world.

You may not realize it, but you're probably driving a connected vehicle, as most modern vehicles are equipped with a variety of built-in sensors. As a result, connected vehicle data encompasses all of the information gathered by the vehicle while driving. The variety of information depends on the type of vehicle and the number of sensors installed. Connected vehicle data includes obvious things like location, speed, and engine status, as well as less obvious things like battery voltage, tire condition, number of passengers, and much more.

The Usefulness of Connected Vehicle Data

Data aggregation improves with each passing day as vehicles become more connected. On the one hand, this implies that more vehicles will contribute to data sharing. However, as the connected vehicle industry expands and innovates, more complex sensors are built and integrated to capture new data. As a result, the true value is hidden behind the macro picture: large-scale monitoring and analysis of connected vehicle activity.

How to Analyze Data from Connected Vehicles for Traffic Analysis

To discover insights and solutions through efficient and accurate traffic and mobility analysis, two primary components are required. First, as with any new project, your foundation must be solid. In other words, you require high-quality, clean, and secure data. Second, you'll need a strong and scalable tool to visualize and interactively analyze the data so you can understand what you're looking at and find what you're looking for. The door is linked to vehicle data, and an interactive analytical tool is a key to the future of mobility.

Where Can I Get Connected Vehicle Data?

Data-as-a-Service (DaaS) companies have grown in popularity in recent years as the big data industry has grown. They specialize in gathering, cleaning, and sharing big data for other businesses to use and gain a competitive advantage. AirSage is a top company that is at the front of the pack when it comes to innovative and global coverage of connected vehicle data for traffic mobility.

How to Analyze Traffic Using Connected Vehicle Data

Another important puzzle piece is a powerful analytical tool. It can be hard to get useful information from data from connected vehicles because traditional location intelligence tools don't have the interactivity and scalability needed to deal with huge amounts of data.

AirSage offers a self-service visual analytics tool for large amounts of location data that allows you to extract insights and solutions from the start. The platform scales to billions of records and offers a variety of solution-oriented features for exploring data, visualizing statistics, and analyzing trends and changes over time. You don't have to be a data scientist to understand and learn from connected vehicle data when you use AirSage, a specialized tool for connected vehicle data analysis.

Interested in learning more about location Intelligence? Check out our other blog posts.

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