AirSage for Transportation Consulting Firms

Data customized to suit your clients' needs

Due to AirSage's data sourcing expertise and knowledge of the transportation market, we are able to source data that suits your clients' unique project needs. For example, when evaluating speed camera effectiveness, a transportation organization does not need data for the entire corridor; rather, it needs a high sampling of data around the speed camera itself. We understand this and are able to deliver data specifically procured for this deliverable. At AirSage, we are constantly searching for the highest value data that is most appropriate for your clients.

Validate your work

Use AirSage output to validate your assumptions about travel behavior and conditions. Be confident in your project results.

Supplement your insights

Pair AirSage data with your data to more thoroughly understand the movement of vehicles and people.

Improve your accuracy

Leverage AirSage's data sourcing expertise. Be confident in your output knowing you have the best available input.

Trusted by agencies and consultants for more than 20 years

The GPS point classification files provided by AirSage were the best asset for Stantec to use for the Tahoe Transportation Authority analysis, leading to key insights that helped us recommend what needed to be done to reduce car traffic and congestion coming in and out of the Lake Tahoe area.
Cynthia Albright
Read the Case Study

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